
Acupressure for Weight Loss

Acupressure for Weight Loss

Acupressure is an ancient technique of traditional Chinese medicine. It can be termed as a variation of acupuncture, as both the processes are based on the same principles. The only difference lies in the fact that in acupuncture, needles are used to put pressure on the acupuncture pressure points, while in acupressure, needles are replaced with fingers or elbow, and some special devices like acupressure balls and mats, to apply physical pressure on those points. Though there is no scientific basis for the presence of these pressure points in the human body, Chinese traditional practices like acupuncture and acupressure not only believe in their existence, but regard that if stimulated in the right way,read more, they can improve the body's response to several health conditions.

Acupressure Benefits
With obesity becoming a major health concern in the developed world,Christian Louboutin chaussures Jenny pompe 140mmLivraison gratuite pour vous, the popularity of this method has increased significantly. The entire process is centered around controlling appetite, and improving digestion and metabolism,MBT Fora Lace-up-Sneaker, by stimulating certain specific pressure points. Additionally, the technique also aims at reducing or eliminating stress and other negative emotions like, depression. In acupressure, such negative emotions are regarded as negative energies, which if not reduced can affect metabolism and over well-being of an individual,Mbt Koshi schwarz Shoes Verkauf DaMänner, and thereby, contribute to the accumulation of fats in the body.

Acupressure and Fat Loss
The entire process of using this technique for weight loss requires proper identification of the specific pressure points of the body, and then stimulating them by gently massaging or applying pressure on them. There are more than thousand acupressure points on our body, for which it is very important to carefully locate the ones, associated with weight loss. The beginners can refer to reflexology maps to get familiar with the various pressure points that are related with weight loss.

The most commonly used pressure points for weight loss are appetite control point (located behind the ears), spleen 6 or Sp 6, spleen 9 or Sp 9, stomach 36 or St 36, liver 3 or Lv 3 and large intestine 11 or Li 11. The appetite control point is located behind the ear, just at the point, where the lobes connect with the ear. Stimulation of this point helps to control hunger, and hence, overeating. The next important point is the spleen 6, which is located on the inside of the ankle,Christian Louboutin chaussures Simple Ita 120mmvente pas cher, about four finger width above the ankle bone. This point is believed to regulate water metabolism, stimulate digestion,Christian Louboutin chaussures Bruges 120mmvente pas cher, aid absorption of nutrients and help the body to relax.

Spleen 9 on the other hand, is located in the groove behind the shin bone, and it is associated with the prevention of fluid or water retention. The pressure point, stomach 36 can be found about four fingers' width below the lower edge of the kneecap and one finger's width outside the shin bone. Stimulation of this point can improve digestive health,see more, and reduce fatigue. The large intestine 11 point, on the other hand,Hogan Nero Uomo Scarpe Oympia, is associated with lowering blood pressure,Hogan Scarpe donna 524 nabuk beige, and can be found at the end of the elbow crease on the inside of the arm. The liver 3 point is important due to its role in reducing the level of stress, which is one of the important causes of excessive weight gain.

The process usually begins with application of pressure on the appetite control point. After that, the other points such as, spleen 6, stomach 36, spleen 9, large intestine 11 and liver 3 points are stimulated. Initially, the pressure points are pressed or massaged for a few seconds. After 5 to 10 seconds, the pressure applied on them is relieved for some time, and then applied again. In this way, the entire process for each pressure point is repeated for five times. Finally, the appetite control point on both the ear is stimulated again to end the session. However, to carry out the entire session safely, one needs to be very much familiar with the acupuncture pressure points. So, for the beginners, it is advisable to take the help of an expert in this field, instead of trying on their own.

It can assist you in the process of maintaining an ideal body weight. However, it alone cannot help you to lose extra weight rapidly. Obesity is the consequence of sedentary lifestyle and wrong eating habits,Christian Louboutin Pigalle Platon chaussures 120mmLivraison gratuite pour vous, and therefore, its solution lies in adopting a healthy lifestyle and lots of physical activities. If acupressure is practiced along with these measures, then it can help a lot in accelerating the process of losing weight. 相关的主题文章:

